Archive | January, 2012

Mama Does Monster Jam

29 Jan

So – when it comes to being a 3-year-old boy, there’s not much that could top monster trucks and super heroes – except a combination of both. So when I heard that the Iron Man and Spider Man monster trucks were making an appearance at Monster Jam in Anaheim, California, this weekend, I had to get tickets for my own little monsters.


I had originally planned to attend Marvel Monstergeddon when we saw the preview for Marvel’s line of monster trucks at Comic Con San Diego 2011. When the event was mysteriously canceled, I had no choice but to find another outlet for the monster truck/super hero loving kid in my life.

Iron Man!

This is the first Monster Jam I’ve ever attended. We decided to get Pit Passes to make the most of the excitement. At $10 a pop, it was almost worth it. Not only were the trucks and drivers available for photographs and up-close amazement, there was also a team of pro BMX racers doing stunts on the sidelines. Not much else a 3-year-old could ask for.

This must be what it's like to be a pin-up-girl. :)

The show was way louder than expected – so I’m glad they sold tire-shaped head phones for the kids.

Monster truck tire headphones! Protect those little ears!

The event appeared to be sold out – and for good reason. I have to hand it to Feld for creating such awesome entertainment for the boys in my life. We attended a Nuclear Cowboyz show last year, and had a similarly rocking experience.

Big air!!!

How I know my son had a good time? He cried when it was over.

Even Bumble Bee made an appearance!

Official mama assessment? A little pricey, but worth it. Especially when I’m pretty damn sure it was an experience he will never forget.
